Hey there! I guess you want to know a little bit about me. For starters my name is Tony Barefoot. I am a 28 year old male, with brown hair and grey eyes. I am 6'7" tall. I have a father, step-mother, 2 brothers and a sister. I was originally from Elizabeth City, North Carolina, but I am currently living in Ingersoll, Ontario. For some of you that don't know, that is in Canada.

Over a year ago online I met a girl, who I am currently engaged to and living with. Her name is Jena Witty. Some of you might know her as Sleeping Beauty from the chathouse. She's great, wonderful and I love her to death. If you would like to see some pics of her and I, go visit my pics page.

Well for pet's Jena and I have a cat. He's about 5 months old and a little terrior. His name is Sebastian. He can be annoying but then at times he's the cutest thing. He's our first child. *LOL*

Intrests?? Let's see here, I really like sports. My favorite teams are Washington Redskins (football), Atlanta Braves (baseball), Chicago Bulls (basketball) and #2 Rusty Wallace (NASCAR racing) I also enjoy the outdoors, paramedicine, and music.

That's all for now considering I can't think of anything to put up here right now. So if there's anything you want to know just ask and I'll be sure to answer it.

Still under construction.....