I don't know exactly where to start. Aimee, you are without a doubt the closest of all my internet "friends". We've been through alot over the last year & a half. I've come to know you thoroughly, deeply & emotionally. The countless number of hours on the telephone & chatroom's have brought us closer than I could've ever imagined. We know each other well enough to even dictate each others feelings about how we would both reacte to certain situations. I've always treasured our friendship & I always will.
I'll continue to try & build on what we've made together & even strenghten it even more. *S* I doubt that will be possible. I love you Aimee.*huggs & kisses*
Paula, you've been a close friend for some time now.*s* I've enjoyed chatting with you sweetie. You've always seemed to be in a great mood. That just shows you're "chipper" personality.*s* I'll hold you dear to me forever. Thanks! *kisses*
Alissa, we've talked & talked & talked & talked........& somehow along the way, we never had time to REALLY get to know each other until recently.*s* WHAT WERE WE THINKING???? I'm glad that we decided to set aside some time to get to know each other better. You're truly a sweetie.*s**kisses* Lets keep up the good work.
Daphne "Dawn", hey there girl.*s* How could I make a homepage without mentioning you? You always seem to know exactly when to come running in the chatroom & covering me in *kisses*. You are too much girl.*s* See you in the chathouse soon.*kisses*
ps........"YOU ARE STILL DANGEROUS"!!!!!*s*
Violet Baby
"Courtney" Dawn*LMAO* I know you hate being called that & I'm sorry but I enjoy calling you by your true name. What started out as a pool party that you didn't want to be involved with & a trusty jar of peanut butter has taken us from being chatmates to friends. Thanks for the laughs.*kisses*
Michelle, I've only known you for a month or so but we've come a long way since then.( even though you "CYBERED" with my brother in the chatroom publicly)*LOL* Thanks for the fun, friendship & the use of YOUR PRIVATE ROOM.*LOL* (See, I gave you credit for the room*L*) Hope to get to know you better in the coming months.*kisses*
My 1st memories of Craig in the chatroom weren't that great. We really didn't start out on the right foot. I only needed to allow myself time to get to know this "unique" individual. You are one of a kind Craig. We've also come a long ways. You being the Kaliedoscope's Official "Chief Asshole" & I the rooms "Senior Adviser" *LMAO* Even though we've been after the same women on several occasions & I get the regular "Old man" jokes, you're still the best, man. I'll try to continue comprehending the things that you're explaing in the chathouse if you continue to be patient with me.*LOL* Take care friend.
Tray. Da Da Da *LOL* What's happening man? Had to put you up here. We've come along way man. You're a great guy. It's always a pleasure to recieve an e-mail from you or see you entering the chathouse!
Mike, as far as guy's on the internet. You've been the closest for the longest. It's just so hard to find you sometimes. You need to leave me a phone# sometime so that I can give you a call. We're going to meet each other 1 day soon. I have & always will look forward to that day. Thanks for keeping the "True secrets, trully secret"!
Paul, damn! I just missed you man. I'll be back up there soon & we'll take off & do some things together. Man, you've been a "BLAST" as a friend on the internet. You, DP & I were the 3 stooges of the chatroom. WE TRULLY RULED THE ROOST!!!!!!
J Acid
Joshua, it's been fun chatting with you man & it just wouldn't be fair not to include you here. We've been through alot & I've enjoyed the trip! Hope to see you soon.
Vone, hi sweetie.*kisses* I've always thought that you should've changed your handle to "Misstress of the Night"*LOL* Girl, you're always on the 'net in the wee hours. We've had our fun from the word "GO". Mrs. Retard, Turkey Tit, Smartass, ect... Just remember 1 thing if you never remember anything else. Article #2! LONEWOLF WINS!! Always.*kisses*
Hey there buddy. We've been around awhile haven't we? Look forward to adding to what we've started.
Jessica (Princess), I remember when you 1st got your computer on the internet & you come stubling into the chatroom as green as spring grass.*s* You know WAY TOO MUCH baby.*s* You've really made yourself into the Princess that I've always known you would be. Love you baby.*kisses* Friends Forever.
Jo, I haven't seen you for the longest time but you'll always have a special place in my heart that noone else can have.YOU were the first person that I ever chatted with on the 'net & have been there the longest. I owe you alot "Edith"*LMAO* I miss you baby.*kisses*
Joy, "hi" sweetie.*s* I know that we've had our fun & played some cool jokes on 1 another but you are really special to me. Let's continue to be as close as we've always been.*kisses*
Karl, I'm just really getting to know you now man. You really seem like a great guy. I hope that our futures never venture to far apart.
Sleeping Beauty
Last but not least comes you, Jena. You've been a godsend & an answer to all my prayers. You've understood & loved me like someone that I only thought existed in my dreams. I truly love you with all my heart. I look forward to spending "forever & always" with you.*kisses* I've promised you my heart, soul & the rest of MY life. I could've never made a better promise to a better person. You, like Aimee, have & will always be the dearest people to me. AND YOU ALWAYS WILL!!!! Thanks for taking the controls of my future. It should prove to be an interesting trip with you. I have so much of me to give you. I just hope that I have enough time to give it all to you.
Thanks for all the late night conversations & the caring remarks that I've alway recieved from you. You trully define the kind of person I want to spend forever with. Thanks you. I love you with all my heart & always will. Thanks "SWEETONE".*kisses* for making "Everything" on this homepage possible.
Other Friends
DISCORD, Bigg Datty, HUH, Chazz, Sweets15, Jessa, Morte, CYPRESS, Hidden Fears, Rose, Lush, kickery, Esq Topper, krazichik, Stargurl & Betty Boop. There are others out there that I know I've accidently left off. Please let me know if your name is missing. Thanks.